Saturday, October 25, 2014

Google creates online store to sell Project Ara hardware

Modular Smartphones, the dream of many who want to have their own personalized mobile, the project that Google has given us several times , which is in will have a store so we can buy the components, the "pieces Lego "will later on our mobile.
The starter kit will sell for $ 50, and then we can go buy hardware to complete, which is why you need to have a website that has parts of trust.
Currently it is not known how the system will work, what they earn commissions manufacturers parts will be, what will be the release date ... just know that 2015 will be the year of Project Ara, so we must be vigilant.

In comment that sensors gain prominence in that store (temperature, pressure, humidity, medical ...), as well as displays, cameras and antennas.
Paul Eremenko, project leader at Google, commented that anyone can manufacture parts, provided they follow the specifications and agree to the terms as specified in the project website.
