Monday, October 27, 2014

PhotoSpotLand, a social network of photography in which the camera and accessories found in each photograph used

Today we present you a new website that will be of interest to more than an amateur and professional photographer. The aim of PhotoSpotLand is to let us know all the details about how and where a particular photo was taken .
To do this, once we have registered on their website (which is now in beta) will have access to photographs taken by users on the web. Thus, below the image, the photographer will offer all the features of the image, so you can know the aperture and ISO settings, if you used flash or tripod and filter, lens or shutter employeeFurthermore, PhotoSpotLand intended to function similarly to a kind of travel guide, why at all times where a photo was taken specifically with a number of details like current temperature, indicate the best way arrived, the period of the ideal year to take pictures.
As usual, PhotoSpotLand also have a social aspect, allowing us to connect with other photographers who are around us. This is something will be useful once the application for mobile devices, which is in the final phase of its development is available. One of the outstanding features of this application is that a data connection to use it will not be necessary, since it is sufficient to have coverage in order to send and receive SMS in which share our location with other photographers. Of course, we can not send photographs in this way, but it's an interesting solution when put in contact with others if we are in foreign countries and do not want to use mobile data to find no surprises on the bill.
It certainly is a website really interesting for all lovers of photography, but being a service in beta could have errors.
