Monday, October 27, 2014

pixelapse a version control system for designers

For Windows or Mac, for those working with Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Fireworks, Graffle, Sketch, pixelapse ( ) is a new project that offers the ability to save versions of the work we do, always oriented design.
As we work with our usual tools, pixelapse detected when we keep one version, automatically raising it to its platform to deliver a smart version control. No limit on the quesito "save history" so that you can save thousands of versions of the same image, always available for retrieval at any time. The platform integrates with Dropbox, helping those who use this storage platform.
With no jobs anywhere we can get help from other people for their opinion and generate a discussion of each image was present, thus allowing to obtain feedback from both customers and the rest of the team.
pixelapse is free for those who are not imported to show their projects publicly (in fact advertised as free for open source projects), with a range proportional to the amount of private projects that need to get prices under control.
