Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pyne, an app for Android to create public opinion polls on any topic

Pyne is an application for the sole purpose of allowing its users to create public opinion polls for answers on any topics. So far, this app was only available for iOS, but now has made ​​the jump to Android .
To use it, you first create a user account. However, if you do not want to bother entering the requested data, you can also login using your Facebook account. Once you've done that, you will start receiving all kinds of questions that you can choose one answer from several predefined options . In Pyne'll see questions from all sorts of different topics, but from the application settings you can remove or add different themes in order to adapt the questions to your interest. Once you submit your answer to a question, automatically you will see the response of other users in graph form, plus get different percentages of each response . In fact, you may even deeper and split the results between masculine and feminine. The only downside of the application is that the questions are in English, so if you do not master the language of Shakespeare can be a drawback. To post a question for a response from the user community Pyne, you can do it easily. Only have to specify the question and the possible answers, and upload an optional photo, and indicate if you want to direct your inquiry to a male audience, women or both.
You can download iOS Pyne from the App Store and the Android version fromGoogle Play . The application is completely free.
