What music is appropriate for any time of day, activity or mood? If you are a subscriber to Google Play Music in the United States or Canada, you will not have to worry about finding the right music to the above aspects, since that dozens of DJs, musicians, music critics and ethnomusicologists are responsible, dedicated to manually select topics for various radio stations that can be heard from Google Play Music, via web or via mobile applications for Android and iOS, thanks to the first integration of Songza, a service Google acquired last summer.
Thus, the next time you access Google Play Music, you will be asked what kind of music play based on time of day, mood or activity, having several options to choose to access music stations most appropriate .
Google notes that among the features included is the ability to download these music stations for playback offline, see the next item to be played, add new items or even rearrange. Users also have the ability to create new music stations generating their own lists, and even search for a particular station they want or based on a particular activity.
Other changes in the system are, first, the design, and using the new visual style Material Design, including larger images and smoother transitions, and on the other, renewing page "Listen Now" in to facilitate the discovery of new music to listen to songs. The above page is available in 45 countries where Google Play Music is available in both web version and its applications for Android and IOS.