In have an app for iOS and Android, which allows other people to see what our camera is watching a streaming of what happens around us, lasting just 10 seconds.
We have tested it with two phones on the same local network and operation, although it may improve significantly, up to what it promises. We just have to create an account by registering our phone number and login (there is a sms with a code that must be informed). Upon entering we have to invite another user to the connection between the two phones is established, which usually takes a few seconds.
After having the phone connected we can start the transmission: the receiver will see what the camera emitter approach, but has the option of requesting to be recorded on the right, left, up or down. Only lasts 10 seconds, and nothing is saved on the phone, so all the video disappears after completion of connection time.
The image quality within a network has not been very good, so it is clear that on a 3G connection must be even worse. It's that point where you need to improve a lot: video compression and quality improvement.
We leave you with a video presentation: