Monday, November 3, 2014

movieo, web to find new movies

In have a new website to help us find movie titles with trailers (you just have to click on each title found) imdb note, score on RottenTomatoes, popularity, category, filter by date, ability to sort, search.
You may discover films using variables of all kinds, being easy to find the best scary movie with scores history (psycho alfred hitchcock - Psycho), or the worst comedies made in Spain (there have to Robobo of Jojoya, Tuesday and thirteen), for example.
In the side menu you can select the country, although there is no sort option Decreasing | Crescent, so you always see the most votes in each category.
No ads of any kind, and may be identified with facebook, twitter or google to save the movies we want to see in the future, so it is thus transformed into a good place to record the upcoming titles that will be part of our nights cinema.
