If you are planning to spend those physical books that you own a digital format for reading through e-book readers from Amazon has a new tool, Kindle Convert , which is a desktop application for Windows 7 or 8 systems with the that, through a scanner can scan pages of your books for conversion to digital format, creating digital versions of themselves fully compatible with Amazon Kindle app and the Kindle devices.
Yes, the application is not available globally nor is it free as it is available only for users in the United States and has a final price of $ 19.
In addition to scanning books to create digital versions, with Kindle Convert you can preserve those unique elements such as handwritten notes, autographs and pictures, and also number them with free copies on Amazon Cloud Drive, among others.
Among the requirements Kindle Convert is the need for a scanner that can generate .jpeg, .tiff or .pdf files of 300-600 DPI resolution, that has a color depth of 24 bits or 8 bits for grayscale or black and white. In addition, states as needed internet connection and user account on Amazon.
Chances are that people do not invest the time needed to bring his personal library to digital format, and less if the number of books available is high, but if you have sporadic books or wish to have digital versions of some or all his books, this app offers Amazon them is an option that may be considered.