Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Microsoft updates the implementation of Yammer for Android

Yammer platform private social networks for professional environments which was purchased by Microsoft in 2012, just updated its mobile application for the Android platform, pointing through its list of features incorporating eleven new languages ​​in addition to languages ​​currently supported, including Spanish, in addition to settlement of the problems encountered.
According to Android Police , the new version of Yammer for Android also improves integration with devices under Android Wear, noting that although from these devices and could display notifications issued from Yammer now also be possible to dial via voice messages and reply . In addition, it also points to improvements in the experience of notifications in the application, which is now also offered for wireless conversations, being accompanied by warnings by the LED blinks the devices themselves.
Yammer for Android devices is available for installation or free upgrade via Google Play Store , available for both smartphones and tablets to the designated mobile OS, existing versions for different devices, as follows from the own profile application.
