Terribles have shekels Amazon's financial results for its latest fiscal quarter. Confirmed on Yahoo Finance about historical losses in net income reaching US $ 427 million, including 170 million (40% of total) because of the disaster in sales that has been their first smartphone, the Fire Phone , presented in June this year. Another statistic: 85 million units of the equipment are still waiting buyer .
Analysts expected a loss of just 76 cents per share, but all surprised that the strategy of producing and promoting Fire caused Phone came to 95 cents. Sure, there may be other factors affecting the profit and loss -señalan at VentureBeat causes as the decline in income over their cloud services and even billion dollar investments such as the recent purchase of Twitch - but almost half is caused by a single item is alarming what are wrong? How is it that the biggest online store in the world suffer so much trying to sell a mobile simple?
The Fire Phone, plus innovative features 3D does not add anything different to that offered by the competition. Worse, to have a modified version of Android optimized to have a meter software Google to promote only their ecosystem services, many users, as has been seen in their negative recommendations within the sales page Team at Amazon.com , talk about how bad they have found it.
But there is something far worse: the price. Yes, after that does nothing different, is powered by a high price and only one operator in the United States. Anyway, it is quite difficult to ask the impossible ...
More info: Amazon Financial results (Q3 2014)