Launched in early 2013 and renamed Poutch Voice for the month of April this year, specializes in creating online survey platform has just launched its new solution focused website publishers, Voice Polls for Publishers , enabling the creation and the integration of their surveys on their own web space, with the ability to perform visual adaptations in order to be able to also integrate under the same visual aesthetic available on such websites.
This service is offered free of charge and forms a new element of participation that may benefit publishers website to promote the participation and commitment of visitors. The integration can be carried out through different routes, either by the inclusion of the iframe code generated each survey created, similar to other elements such as YouTube videos integrates, among others, either through plugin for existing web sites that are in the content creation platform WordPress.
One aspect to consider is that the integrated surveys on websites will be fully functional through both desktop and via mobile devices as it is meant to be adaptable to any screen size.
Plans that will soon appear large publishers have the opportunity to make economic returns by integrating surveys promoted.