Few tools created to manage social networks are as useful as Buffer. This platform, along with hootsuite, has become a star of any company that cares about publish and measure their profiles consciously, with the option to program both automatically and measure clicks and popularity discover new content and to disseminate in the media.
Now throw your new commitment to the iOS world , now available on iTunes.
The idea was to create an application that allows access to all resources within Buffer iPad, programming and content sharing in a specifically built and optimized for the tablet platform.
They have taken advantage of the features to create iOS8 sharing features built directly into the new application from any application that includes the menu share (hundreds of them). That is precisely what is striking: we can share with Buffer without leaving the application.
Thanks again to iOS8 now allow native retweets from our favorite Twitter apps, even putting the RT within the queue buffer publications.
The new release also includes improvements in speed and less resource consumption in mobile, two characteristics that also have the new version of android that are about to launch.
We look.
Here you have a video presentation: