In have an application that can help keep under control all the important events that occur within a website.
The idea is to allow webmasters to install a small script in place, in the place where you should activate an alarm, to receive a notification on your desktop and is compatible only with Mac moment.
That way we can be notified immediately if anyone has problems with the registration, or if anyone is up a .exe file, or if there is error in any data included by the user, or if a certain website has been visited. any event that is noteworthy and deserves immediate notification.
The program includes a free version that every 30 minutes warns Justin Bieber song, so it's probably better to buy the "premium" version, which costs less than $ 5.
As a prerequisite: the website in which it is installed must have jquery. The rest of the installation is as simple as including a line with the desired message, the API KEY and title.