Thursday, October 23, 2014

Starting today, smart watches under Android Wear will be more independent of other devices

The many smart watches have to rely too much on mobile devices is perhaps one of the aspects that users can see as a negative, because in case you have to perform certain activities, such as running in open spaces, having these devices over It can be quite annoying, not to have made ​​such smart watches are barely functional. Well, Android Wear just had its first major update in which it intends to be more independent of mobile devices.

And is that from today, the new update of Android Wear has support for GPS watches with sensors, making it less necessary the use of GPS in mobile devices. Also about playing songs, allowing the new update the possibility of storing the items in the same smart watches. And one more point, it also supports Bluetooth headsets. What does this mean? Well, it is no longer necessary to always have over mobile devices. And what about the current smart watches? Well, says Google, LG G Watch, Gear Live Samsung, and Moto 360 will be updated over the next few days that will include the new features brought to Android Wear.
Google leverages the inclusion of these new possibilities indicating who want to listen to songs on their watches under Android Wear, just have to have the latest version of Google Play Music. Continuing with the theme of the applications, in order to help users find apps for their smart watches, have created eight new collections of applications on Google Play, so that users can browse the collection of fitness and health, or browse the collection of travel, for applications that may be useful to them.

The ad also features the Sony SmartWatch 3, which may pre-order on Verizon Wireless, and soon, also via Google Play.
