Saturday, November 1, 2014

Amazon shares its diversity report: 63% of employees are male

As has been the trend for quite some time, companies related to the technology world are sharing their diversity reports, which shows the percentage of employees divided by gender or race. Now, Amazon has been who has shared this report :
In it, we see that 63% of the employees of the company are men, while only 37% are women . If we focus on the positions of more responsibility, such as management, we find that in this case, the percentage of men rises to 75%, while that of women is reduced to 25%, figures which are unfortunately something quite common in the world of technology-related companies. The report diversity-ethnic present Amazon are also indicated in the workforce of the company (in the US). Of the total employees, Amazon has indicated that 60% of them are white, while the rest, 15% are black, 13% Asian and 9% Hispanic. The remaining 3% is described by Amazon as "other races" . In addition to the figures in the report, Amazon stated what he is doing to try to improve diversity in your company and also for the future. Therefore, in addition to working internally in the company in order to improve these numbers, we can see that it is working with various educational institutions to promote the female interest in science and technology .
You can check out the report on diversity in the Amazon website.
