Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Whatsdog, an application that tells us the time we spend our contacts Whatsapp

We have WhatsDog as an application for android that lets us know all hours when one of your contacts are connected or disconnected from WhatsApp, showing a record of hours / out of anyone, reporting and alerting through sound (or ) vibration whenever such contact is connected to WhatsApp.
Curiously WhatsDog works even if the monitored contact has blocked us in WhatsApp have hidden their late connection or use an iPhone. No need need to go to WhatsApp or put online for information, making it possible to access a calendar to navigate the historical connections / disconnections WhatsApp easily.
There is a report with statistics showing the number of connections to WhatsApp and time within the application, always focusing on the contact we have specified.
The application is free, has no advertising (which can be disabled by a donation) and is now in the Top 105 ranking position in Google Apps New Play.
They are already working on the iPhone version, so if you like the idea, stay tuned to announcements made ​​by those responsible: Second Lemon ( ).
