Tuesday, November 11, 2014

stackshare, to know the technology used by large Internet companies

What database uses Twitter ?, Facebook ?, using Google analytics and Dropbox? ... In stackshare.io dedicated exactly to answer these questions, a list of major companies and technologies that are used in each, ability to see details that can be really interesting.
On the website you can see a list of the most popular platforms today, discovering, for example, which companies use mysql, and whether our project is part of that group, so it's not just one-way information, we can work together to increase the amount of existing data in the project.
In the "Tools" section you can see the most used platforms, and the Stacks we have direct access to the groups of tools that some companies use to complement each other in their daily lives, something that can help you make decisions about the infrastructure of our new project.
Developers also have a section dedicated to profiles that have collaborated and the opinion rendered on each tool. To collaborate just have to indicate the URL of our site or github, where we project code, later being necessary to give the details needed to be part of this huge list.
